“The Garden of Forking Paths’ written by Jorge Luis follows a Chinese spy named Yu Tsun. Tsun is awaiting execution because during World War One he was caught spying for the Germans. This story is narrated by Tsun as a confession of what he did. While he is spying on the for the Germans, he doesn’t have direct communication with them and cannot get information to them easily. This is relevant in relation to our project because we are using signals and symbols to indicate what you should do next and to communicate instead of labeling and directing the viewer directly, we need to do it subconsciously. Tsun goes on a journey to Stephan Albert’s home. When he arrives, Albert walks him around the ‘garden of forking paths’. Tsun tells lbert about his grandfather’s unfinished novel and labyrinth. Albert realizes that the novel was the labyrinth. Tsun shoots and kills Albert knowing that the news will reach the Germans. Tsun had to do the same thing he had no direct way of communicating so he had to think of another way of reaching them.
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