With digital art it can be extremely easy to make a copy of it. When using mechanical reproduction, you are capable of making something exactly the same which is not the same thing as making a replica which is similar to the original but has unique features. An original would be the digital file initially made however, this can be used and made into a unique piece of artwork.
When photography was first invented it was not seen as an art form. It was seen as a device to document and record events in history at the time not a way to express yourself artistically. In the nineteenth century the value of painting versus photography became a discussion. Many painters where scared because at the time paintings were used as a way to document historical moments. Photography was invented and it was a much faster and easier to document these events taking place. With photography becoming the main way to document these events it took away from the functionality and usefulness of paintings and painters.
Artistic authenticity is when something is made completely original without trying to replicate something or being based of another piece of art. Everything is inspired by something and nothing is an original thought or idea. We gain inspiration from everything around us. Artistic authenticity is when you are creating art with your own story or meaning behind it and use your inspiration to create something that nobody has seen before.
A good example of how new technology effects art would be with film. Since its invention film has had major changes to it over a short period of time due to advances in technology. Actors had to change up their style of acting for film. They did not talk to the crowd, nor did they acknowledge the camera of the fact they were being filmed. Once sound came along. Actors created started using the Transatlantic accent, a new way of speaking which was pleasant to hear on the television meaning once again actors had to change up their art style and their form of acting.